Custom Training > FAQs

Custom training FAQs

What is custom training?

Custom training is tailor-made for your organization’s unique business and learning objectives. It's designed and developed for an organization or department’s specific needs and requirements. This is an advantage over an off-the-shelf curriculum when your needs require a unique training program.

Off-the-shelf training is designed for multiple audiences, and can therefore provide a broader, general learning experience. It can be purchased and deployed immediately, without modification. Off-the-shelf training covers a variety of topics, ranging from soft skills (new manager readiness or customer service aptitude) to software applications (Microsoft Office or

Custom training has an advantage over off-the-shelf training when you require instruction for organization-specific processes, products, skills and information. Additionally, you may require training in a topic that is unavailable in an off-the-shelf format.

Often our clients will use a combination of off-the-shelf and custom training to meet their learning objectives.

How is custom training different from off-the-shelf training?

What are common examples of custom training solutions?

  • New employee orientation that is unique to your organization
  • New product training that integrates your organization’s required sales skills and product knowledge into one curriculum
  • Software or process training that is specific to your organization’s needs

What types of delivery methods can be used for custom training?

We deliver custom training using all methods: mobile, webinars, classroom and e-learning.

Custom training provides you the opportunity to determine the best delivery method for your learners. Often, we find a blend of methods provides the best solution.

Both are viable choices; it depends on the project and business needs. You start by conducting a basic needs assessment to determine the approach. Then, evaluate the pros and cons for each option.

Which should I use: custom or off-the-shelf training?

Our clients are from different industries (profit and not-for-profit) and sizes (Fortune 500 to start-up companies). In many cases, we support small training teams (two to five employees) who have large demands for training programs.

Whom does Gillespie partner with to create custom training?

How do you create custom training with clients?

Our approach consists of four basic steps. However, we can meet you wherever you are in the process, and can jump in at any point.

1. Determine your needs.

We start with an in-depth conversation to understand what business pain point the training needs to resolve.For some projects, we may recommend starting with a comprehensive needs analysis to identify the skills and knowledge required for optimal results.

2. Recommend a solution.

Based on your needs, we’ll recommend a solution and develop a training design that solves your unique business challenge. We ask that you and all of your stakeholders review and provide feedback so we’re in agreement before starting development.

3. Develop the solution.

We work with your subject matter experts and materials to write scenarios and best practices. Upon your review, we make revisions and incorporate your feedback. Some clients request pilots or usability testing to make final tweaks before implementation.

4. Maintain the material.

At the end of each project, we provide you with electronic versions of the deliverables and source files. You can update your own materials, or we’re happy to work with you to update and maintain your files.

Timelines are like each project: unique. There are many factors to consider when creating a project plan, such as content, delivery method, your availability, review process, and prototype testing or pilot requirements. At the beginning of each project, we create a timeline and confirm everyone is in agreement.

How long does it take to complete a custom training project?

At the end of each project, we provide you with electronic versions of the deliverables and source files. You can update your own materials, or if you would like our help, we’re happy to assist.


What if I need to change the training materials after their completion?