We Go Together… Even When It Seems Like We Don’t

When I started working at Gillespie Associates, however, I left behind daily tasks filled mostly with numbers to join a creative, word-oriented team used to much more ambiguity in their work life. For instructional designers—IDs—dozens if not hundreds of different approaches can help them translate a client‘s project from idea to award-winning training. Coming from a place where 2 + 2 always equaled 4 in a linear, defined process, I wondered how I would fit in.

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Writing Your Content: The Building Blocks of Effective Training

Do you ever find yourself listening to a friend or loved one’s story and unable to determine what happened because they forget to tell you important details? Or getting so lost in their details and asides that you lose their point? It’s kind of funny when it’s at home… but when you’re trying to understand how to perform a new task or integrate a concept into your daily routine, poor communication is a problem.

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How to Radically Increase Engagement in Your Training Programs

Every developer, HR manager, or other individual responsible for training struggles with a lack of employee engagement in training. “It’s hard enough to get employees to complete required compliance training programs, so forget about getting them to complete anything optional,” is the sentiment we hear often from frustrated HR professionals. Why is it so hard to get employees to engage in training?

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